Highlights der Agenda
Leveraging Health Data for Healthcare Improvement and Life Science Sector Growth – the Finnish experience
Petri will discuss Finland’s visionary recognition of health data as a pivotal domain within the Finnish Life Science Strategy a decade ago.
He will elaborate on the deliberate efforts made to cultivate an environment conducive to the utilization of health data, which has propelled Finland to the forefront of this sector within the European Union.
EHDS2Pilot – First experiences from piloting concepts and technologies for European Health Data Spaces
The presentation will spotlight EHDS2’s innovative role in facilitating data sharing for secondary purposes like research and policy-making. It will examine the initiative’s breadth of data coverage and anticipated technological implementations,including the DCAT AP for robust data documentation and advanced access management systems.
EHDS and Research Data at Medical Universities – Strategies, Concepts and Challenges
The Austrian Medical Universities of Vienna (MUW), Graz (MUG) and Innsbruck (MUI) are currently jointly working on Health Data Hubs for an improved secondary usage of health data aligned with European and Austrian regulations.
In this presentation the main issues and approaches including challenges and questions to be solved will be presented.
The Smart FOX flagship project –
Data donation as a key to improve clinical research in Austria
In Smart FOX, real-world demonstrations highlight the integration of ELGA-standardized health data with Colorectal Cancer and Heart Failure registries, examining the healthcare continuum, exploration of patient-based data donations and outcomes, and streamlining patient recruitment by linking industry services with the data donation registries.
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Pascal Mülner