
Bio Europe Spring

17. März - 19. März
Allianz MiCo, Fira Milanof, Gate 5, Viale Teodorico, 20149 Milan, Italy

LISAvienna is happy to organize Austria’s participation in BIO-Europe Spring on behalf of LISA. We invite companies and research institutions from across Austria to register with us. Information on discounts and registration options are summarized in the registration form. The number of LISA discount packages is limited – first come, first served!

Register with us and not only benefit from all the features covered by standard all-access passes listed here, but also use the LISA booth actively to:

  • create additional visibility for your company: your logo on display at the LISA booth
  • use the LISA booth as a meeting place: coffee will be served to you and your clients
  • charge your mobile phone or laptop at the LISA booth
  • store marketing material at LISA’s storage room at the joint booth
Bio Europe Spring